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Dear Vudes and Tus,

I saw in the paper last week that my cousin, ManiacPsychopath27, escaped from prison. I knew that he was going to come after me for putting him there, so I called my other cousin, Sir Judge DestructiveMurderer27, the most recently appointed Supreme Court justice, and ex-hitman, to provide me protection. As I was walking out of my pottery class at Color Me Mine, I saw him. He popped up from behind Avi Frier's Ford F-150 and whipped out his ninja stars. He flicked them at me and it was flying towards my head, when Sir Judge DestructiveMurderer27 pulled out a gun and shot me so that I wouldn't feel the pain of the ninja star entering my brain. Who is obligated here?



Dear MisplacedTzadik27,

It's always nice to get an inquiry from beyond the grave. There was a case of 10 thuggers hitting a guy with 10 bats. The Wisemen say that all of the guys would get off scot-free, while Sir Yehuda says that this is only if they all hit at once, while if it was one at a time, the last guy is put to death. We'll apply this to your case. We learn from the book of Sanhedrin, that both opinions take proof from passage 6:13 of the book of laws. Sir Yehuda (no relation to Vudes) says that you're obligated for death as long as the person you killed had a bit of life left, while the Wisemen say that you must have been the one to take his entire life away. This introduces another case of killing a guy who is Treifah*, GBS*, or GBA*. Sir Yehuda's opinion follows his ruling that GBA would be like GBS. He holds that this could not be Treifah because the man was still showing vital signs. The Wisemen's opinion follows their ruling that GBA is like Treifah, not GBS. They hold this, because in the case of GBS nothing is being done by man. In this case, Sir Yehuda would hold that Sir Judge DestructiveMurderer27 is obligated because he brought your death closer, while the Wisemen hold that no one is obligated.


Vudes and Tus

*Treifah- 100% going to die

*GBS- Gosase B'day Shamayim

*GBA- Gosase B'day Adam

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