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Dear Vudes and Tus,

My cousin ManiacPsychopath27 told me that you guys give great advice. I was cruisin' down the street in my '64 bumpin' to the newest Taylor Swift hit single when I saw a knucklehead about to throw a TV off the roof of an apartment building. I quickly parallel parked, threw my ski mask in the back on top of a body bag, and got out with my bloody shovel. I was so pumped to use that shovel again for the second time that morning. I stood about 8.68 inches to the right of the big red X on the ground, assuming that the TV would hit that spot. I timed my swing perfectly and smashed the TV to bits right before it hit the concrete. The man quickly base-jumped to the sidewalk and accused me of breaking his new TV. He demanded that I pay for the damages. What I do?



Dear DestructiveMurderer27,

You'll be happy to hear that we have not alerted the authorities about the questionable details in your submission. On that note, you will also be happy to hear that you are not obligated to pay for the TV. In a situation like this, the object is considered broken already, and there is no penalty for breaking a broken object. However, had the owner been throwing something at the TV, as opposed to throwing the TV itself, and you had hit it with your bloody shovel before he did, you would be obligated to pay full price of the TV.

Happy hunting!

Vudes and Tus

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